Readings for next Semester Post 1
I decided to blog some reading ideas for next semester's English 104 class. The theme, "What is an American," will be used again. Please feel free to suggest resources.
Potential Readings:
What is an American? J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur
What is an American? Time Magazine, 1948
What is an American? Harold Ickes
What is an American? Peter Ferrara, Associate Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law
What is an American? Edward L. Hudgins, CATO Institute
What is an American? CNN
The Circus People (Federal Writers Project) with video clip of Maude Cromwell, trapeze artist
To Kill an American (Video)
I will add some more later.
Potential Readings:
What is an American? J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur
What is an American? Time Magazine, 1948
What is an American? Harold Ickes
What is an American? Peter Ferrara, Associate Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law
What is an American? Edward L. Hudgins, CATO Institute
What is an American? CNN
The Circus People (Federal Writers Project) with video clip of Maude Cromwell, trapeze artist
To Kill an American (Video)
I will add some more later.
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